CASE 8187 Published on 23.02.2010

Bilateral double renal pelvis with partial ureteral duplication complicated with unilateral ureteral and renal lithiasis


Uroradiology & genital male imaging

Case Type

Clinical Cases


Carmen Salvan 1,2,3, Paul Lazar 2, Doru Munteanu 2, Silviu Draghici 2, Andrei Lebovici 2, Elena Nastasa1,3 , Daniel Dreptate 2,3, Rodica Suciu 3, Anca George2
1) Praxis Medical SRL, 2) Hiperdia SA, 3) Spitalul Judetean de Urgenta, Bistrita, Romania.


41 years, female

Clinical History
A 41 year old female presented for a routine abdominal ultrasound, having no complaints.
Imaging Findings
The female patient presented 8 years ago lumbar pain, without pathological findings at ultrasound and radiography. At the time being, ultrasound revealed a deep cortical band in the right kidney, suggesting a double pelvis. The upper part of the left kidney had a normal appearance (normal parenchymal index). However, the middle and the lower part presented a grade 3 hydronephrosis (Fig. 1a), with dilatation of the proximal ureter (lumbar part) (Fig. 1b) as well as an echogenic focus of 22 mm with shadow in the lower calyces suggesting renal lithiasis (Fig. 1a), but also a similar focus of 16 mm in the lumbar ureter, concluding as ureteral lithiasis (Fig. 1b). Subsequently, a simple renal radiography was done; just the ureteral lithiasis was proven (Fig. 2). CT urography (with native (Fig. 3), secretory (Fig. 4) and excretory phase (Fig. 5)) for detecting lithiasis and for opacification of the collecting system was performed for preoperatory functional renal status and revealed a normal left upper renal pole (Fig. 3a, b, 4 a, d), bilateral double pelvis (Fig. 5a,b), bilateral partial ureteral duplication (Fig. 5a-h), and confirmed the ultrasound results regarding the lithiasis (Fig. 3c-e, 4c, 5c), the hydronephrosis (Fig. 3b-e, 4 b-d) and the presumed double the renal pelvis (Fig. 5 a, b), and showed the maintained excretory function of both (whole) kidneys (Fig. 5a-c).
Bilateral renoureteral malformations are rare entities, especially in woman, being first mentioned in anatomical dissections [1], found in the operating room and later proven in IV urography examinations as well as on CT urography [2- 7]. Double renal pelvis predispose to complications, mainly hydronephrosis and urolithiasis (3,5). Associations with partial ureteral duplication are increasing the risk for nephrolithiasis and ureteral lithiasis as well as for pionephrosis, with impaired outcome for the patient [7-9]. Ultrasound is a good initial diagnostic tool in patients with suspected lithiasis, including ureteral lithiasis, but has a limited role in characterizing certain anatomical abnormalities [4, 10, 11]. And cannot evaluate the functional status of the kidneys. Subsequently, IV urography has this potential, but CT urography is better demonstrating all types of lithiasis, location, size measurements, characteristics, and secretory as well as excretory function, urinary flow dynamics of the kidneys, degree of obstruction, with implications in selecting the best treatment option [2, 6, 10]. Finally, the radiologist should answer 3 questions regarding the presence of lithiasis, the necessity of treatment and the best treatment strategy [2, 12].
Differential Diagnosis List
Bilateral double renal pelvis. Partial ureteral duplication. Unilateral reno-ureteral lithiasis
Final Diagnosis
Bilateral double renal pelvis. Partial ureteral duplication. Unilateral reno-ureteral lithiasis
Case information
DOI: 10.1594/EURORAD/CASE.8187
ISSN: 1563-4086