CASE 12029 Published on 18.08.2014

CT appearance of renal abscess


Uroradiology & genital male imaging

Case Type

Clinical Cases


Dagmara Wilmanska

Hospital of the Ministry of Interior,
Polnocna 42, 90-720 LODZ,

63 years, male

Area of Interest Abdomen, Kidney, Lymph nodes ; Imaging Technique CT, Catheter venography
Clinical History
63-year-old man with a history of low fever, nausea, weight loss and chronic constipation was referred for a CT examination by his surgeon who found a mass in the left lumbar region on palpation. The ambulatory ultrasound showed a hypoechoic round lesion within the left kidney.
Imaging Findings
Multiphase CT was performed. Unenhanced CT demonstrated a 7-cm left kidney mass of fluid attenuation with small gas bubbles and surrounded by thick, irregular wall. Other findings included thickening of surrounding fascia and obliteration of perinephric fat tissue. Contrast-enhanced CT revealed contrast-enhancement of the cystic mass pseudocapsule, with no enhancement of its cystic parts. The mass pressed and displaced the adjacent renal parenchyma which otherwise appeared normal in all phases but one. Excretion of both kidneys was normal.
CT findings are consistent with a diagnosis of a renal abscess.

Renal abscess is a localised collection of infective fluid resulting from the spread of infection process usually from the upper urinary tract, often diagnosed in immunocompromised and diabetic patients. Proper diagnosis is essential for introducing treatment with antibiotics and drainage as fast as possible to avoid abscess rupture into the calyceal system or outside the kidney - into the perinephric space or peritoneum.
Ultrasound as a first-line tool can detect a rounded hypoechoic mass within the renal parenchyma.
CT is the best technique to evaluate the disease [1, 2, 3]. Typical findings include a hypodense, cystic rounded mass with irregular, thick capsule; the lesion may contain gas bubbles and shows contrast enhancement of the pseudocapsule. Associated features include fascial thickening and adjacent fat tissue obliteration.
MRI can be the modality of choice for patients allergic to iodine contrast media and can be an alternative to avoid radiation exposure in younger patients, but radiologist must be aware of difficulties in depicting gas bubbles and stones on MRI images [4].
Differential Diagnosis List
Renal abscess
Renal cell carcinoma
Renal complex cyst
Final Diagnosis
Renal abscess
Case information
DOI: 10.1594/EURORAD/CASE.12029
ISSN: 1563-4086